everbright charitable foundation title sponsors lifeline express's fund raising gala dinner for 4 consecutive years
social activities 02 nov 2015
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30 october 2015 – china everbright charitable foundation has title sponsored and jointly held the “lifeline express everbright gala dinner”, a charity fund raising event at the grand hyatt hotel for 4 consecutive years. approximately 300 guests attended the dinner, including professor kc chan, gbs, jp, secretary for financial services and the treasury of hong kong special administrative region, professor john leong chi-yan, sbs, jp, chairman of the hong kong hospital authority, professor liu ming-kang, former chairman of the china banking regulatory commission, prc, mr. eddy fong, chairman of lifeline express hong kong foundation, mrs. nellie fong, founding chairman of lifeline express hong kong foundation, dr. liu jun, deputy general manager of china everbright group, and mr. chen shuang, executive director and ceo of china everbright limited (“cel”; stock code: 165.hk)
during the event, cel’s ceo mr. chen shuang handed over a cheque for hk$1 million to lifeline express on behalf of china everbright charitable foundation to support the work of the lifeline express hospital eye-trains, to help restore vision to underprivileged cataract patients in china by offering them free operations on the trains.
cel’s ceo mr. chen shuang made a speech in the dinner and expressed that cel will continue to support the social community charity programs. besides putting efforts in developing its own businesses, cel will also utilize its advantages in allocating more resources on different social community charity projects, so as to build a long-term partnership with different sectors of the society.

lifeline express
the lifeline express hospital eye-train first embarked on its mission to provide free operations and treatment to the underprivileged cataract sufferers in china in july 1997. over the past 18 years, the hospital eye-trains have helped restore vision to more than 150,000 cataract patients in china by offering them free operations on the trains. lifeline express has also established training centres for ophthalmology microsurgery and cataract treatment centres in the rural areas of mainland china. moreover, lifeline express has introduced an international examination and other learning opportunities for the eye doctors in china, so as to improve their level of knowledge and enhance to a higher level.
for more information about lifeline express, please see:
everbright charitable foundation
since 2009, the everbright charitable foundation has sustainably sponsored a number of social service projects including: “the everbright project”, jointly launched with caritas family crisis support centre to provide community services targeting hong kong’s middle class; “project companion – professional social workers in greater china scheme”, jointly established with social workers across borders to train professional social workers in the mainland; “everbright teachers’ heritage discovery tour” organised by hong kong federation of education workers to provide hong kong teachers travelling opportunities to the mainland china cities for experiencing and learning china culture and history, as well as many other charity programmes.
for more information about everbright charitable foundation, please see:
during the event, cel’s ceo mr. chen shuang handed over a cheque for hk$1 million to lifeline express on behalf of china everbright charitable foundation to support the work of the lifeline express hospital eye-trains, to help restore vision to underprivileged cataract patients in china by offering them free operations on the trains.
cel’s ceo mr. chen shuang made a speech in the dinner and expressed that cel will continue to support the social community charity programs. besides putting efforts in developing its own businesses, cel will also utilize its advantages in allocating more resources on different social community charity projects, so as to build a long-term partnership with different sectors of the society.

lifeline express
the lifeline express hospital eye-train first embarked on its mission to provide free operations and treatment to the underprivileged cataract sufferers in china in july 1997. over the past 18 years, the hospital eye-trains have helped restore vision to more than 150,000 cataract patients in china by offering them free operations on the trains. lifeline express has also established training centres for ophthalmology microsurgery and cataract treatment centres in the rural areas of mainland china. moreover, lifeline express has introduced an international examination and other learning opportunities for the eye doctors in china, so as to improve their level of knowledge and enhance to a higher level.
for more information about lifeline express, please see:
everbright charitable foundation
since 2009, the everbright charitable foundation has sustainably sponsored a number of social service projects including: “the everbright project”, jointly launched with caritas family crisis support centre to provide community services targeting hong kong’s middle class; “project companion – professional social workers in greater china scheme”, jointly established with social workers across borders to train professional social workers in the mainland; “everbright teachers’ heritage discovery tour” organised by hong kong federation of education workers to provide hong kong teachers travelling opportunities to the mainland china cities for experiencing and learning china culture and history, as well as many other charity programmes.
for more information about everbright charitable foundation, please see: