china everbright charitable foundation volunteer team visits special child care centre
social activities 25 jan 2013
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on 25 january 2013, a volunteer team from china everbright charitable foundation, madeup of 15 china everbright limited (“everbright”) employees, went to the heep hong society’schun shek centre in shatin in the new territories. the team visited children with specialneeds, who were undergoing professional teaching and treatment at the centre. the childrenwere suffering from a variety of conditions including autism, asperger syndrome, dyslexiaand attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (“adhd”).
the visit was part of a programme to offer children with special needs more opportunities tointeract with people and learn the correct attitude and etiquette for getting along withothers. at the same time, the volunteers got to know the children better and were able topromote harmony in the community.
to prepare for the visit, everbright invited tutors from the heep hong society to brief thevolunteers and provide professional training that would teach them the skills needed tointeract and communicate with the children. on the day of the visit, under the leadership oftsang sui cheong, frederick, everbright’s chief risk officer, the volunteers took part in asing-along, played interactive computer learning games, gave social communication trainingand shared refreshments with 15 special needs children aged two to six. china everbrightcharitable foundation donated two ipad tablets to the centre to help the children learn moreeffectively using computer education software.
after the visit, all the volunteers said that they enjoyed the time spent with the children andparted with great reluctance. not only did the activity enable the children to learncommunication and interaction skills, but it also demonstrated that society cared for them.through the visit the volunteers learnt more about children with special needs and many ofthem hoped to visit the centre again to see the children.
since its foundation in 2008, china everbright charitable foundation has devoted itsresources to contributing to the society. other than supporting social community affairsthrough donations and sponsorship, the foundation also encourages everbright’s staff toengage in community service and give a helping hand to those in need by volunteering. moredetails can be found on the “corporate social responsibility” section of the company’swebsite.
introduction to the heep hong society
established in 1963, the heep hong society is a non-profit social service organisationproviding professional training and treatment services to children with learning anddevelopmental problems, including autism, asperger syndrome, dyslexia and adhd, frombirth until the time they enter junior secondary school. the heep hong society now has over30 service units, including 14 special childcare centres, 12 early education and trainingcentres, five parent resource centres, a healthy kids nursery school and a supportive learningproject. each year it helps over 6,000 families.

the visit was part of a programme to offer children with special needs more opportunities tointeract with people and learn the correct attitude and etiquette for getting along withothers. at the same time, the volunteers got to know the children better and were able topromote harmony in the community.
to prepare for the visit, everbright invited tutors from the heep hong society to brief thevolunteers and provide professional training that would teach them the skills needed tointeract and communicate with the children. on the day of the visit, under the leadership oftsang sui cheong, frederick, everbright’s chief risk officer, the volunteers took part in asing-along, played interactive computer learning games, gave social communication trainingand shared refreshments with 15 special needs children aged two to six. china everbrightcharitable foundation donated two ipad tablets to the centre to help the children learn moreeffectively using computer education software.
after the visit, all the volunteers said that they enjoyed the time spent with the children andparted with great reluctance. not only did the activity enable the children to learncommunication and interaction skills, but it also demonstrated that society cared for them.through the visit the volunteers learnt more about children with special needs and many ofthem hoped to visit the centre again to see the children.
since its foundation in 2008, china everbright charitable foundation has devoted itsresources to contributing to the society. other than supporting social community affairsthrough donations and sponsorship, the foundation also encourages everbright’s staff toengage in community service and give a helping hand to those in need by volunteering. moredetails can be found on the “corporate social responsibility” section of the company’swebsite.
introduction to the heep hong society
established in 1963, the heep hong society is a non-profit social service organisationproviding professional training and treatment services to children with learning anddevelopmental problems, including autism, asperger syndrome, dyslexia and adhd, frombirth until the time they enter junior secondary school. the heep hong society now has over30 service units, including 14 special childcare centres, 12 early education and trainingcentres, five parent resource centres, a healthy kids nursery school and a supportive learningproject. each year it helps over 6,000 families.