everbright launches golden sunshine 165 – a brand new hong kong stock trading platform for mainland customers

15 july 2009 

with the rapid economic development of china and growing financial interaction between mainland china and hong kong, more and more mainland investors are investing in the hong kong stock market, most commonly through online trading. 
in view of this, everbright, through its licensed corporation china everbright securities (hong kong) limited, has launched golden sunshine 165, an online hong kong stock trading platform designed for mainland investors. golden sunshine 165 is based on tendency, a trading software familiar to mainland investors, and the existing online stock trading platform of everbright. it allows mainland investors to conveniently manage their hong kong stock portfolios using familiar, user-friendly interface and functions. 
golden sunshine 165 is jointly developed by everbright and tendency, an influential developer of online trading system in the mainland. features of this highly reliable, 
stable and secure system include: auto display of related market data in trading screen, one-stop login, a data access level system based on account type, consolidated cross-market stock quote, fully-customizable interface, smart stock pick, quick order placing, instant data transmission, market alert, strategic trading, and support for multiple accounts. it suits the mainland investors’ preference for trading online, allowing users to easily check market data, view information and place order on the internet. 
using golden sunshine 165 is easy. simply download the required software from . we have also set up a mainland service hotline (86)15012505675 to answer enquiries from customers in mainland china.