china everbright limited and catalyst equity management ltd to establish private equity fund focused on israeli investment opportunities

business related 30 oct 2013

october 30, 2013, hong kong, china everbright limited (cel, sehk: 165) and catalyst equity management ltd. (catalyst) announced yesterday that they have entered into a joint venture to establish a private equity fund to invest into israeli and/or israeli-related opportunities.

the fund is seeking to raise us$200 million and has the option to increase up to us$300 million. it will be managed by cel and catalyst through a jointly owned asset management company.
the fund will primarily target mid-to-late stage companies with proven innovation and global presence, whose growth strategy is oriented towards, or includes expansion of activities in the greater china market or such companies who produce products or provide business solutions that have a significant commercial potential in greater china. focus sectors for the fund include agro-tech, energy, industrials/manufacturing, healthcare, water, media and telecommunication among others.
cel said,“israel is a unique country with admirable capability for innovation and technology.  greater china is one of the largest and most diverse markets in the world. we are confident that by joining forces with catalyst, we can identify and execute on opportunities where we can link outstanding israeli innovation with the greater china market potentials and create value for our investors, while greater china is clearly an important market place that no company with a serious global strategy can afford to overlook these days, china can offer much more in terms of ample supply chain resources and potential listing venues to international firms. china’s outbound investment has been growing fast in the recent years but is still at a very low level compared to the size of the china economy.”
“this new fund initiative between catalyst and china everbright emphasizes israel’s importance as a key global source of innovation. although israel is a small country, it has a great concentration of technological prowess in many disciplines –china is a natural market with enormous demand for all that israel has to offer,” said edouard cukierman, chairman of catalyst equity management ltd. “there is currently an exciting opportunity in the israeli private equity market. we believe that this new fund initiative is well positioned to secure attractive investment opportunities and in partnership with cel, has a very interesting growth potential for our investee companies.”
catalyst equity management ltd is a top performing israeli based private equity firm. the catalyst team has an established track record, has been working together since 1999 and has executed three top-performing funds. with over us$200 million committed capital under management, catalyst supports capital and long-term growth of innovative israeli middle-market companies in global markets. the partners of catalyst include edouard cukierman, alain dobkin, boaz harel and dorothee moshevich.