
everbright investment team

  • shengyan fan

    managing partner, cel catalyst china israel fund / managing director, m&a department

    ms. fan shengyan is the managing director of the merger & acquisition department, china everbright limited (cel). she is responsible for cel's private equity investment funds that invest in overseas market. ms. fan has 18 years’ experience in direct investment, capital raising and investment banking serving corporate clients in greater china region as well as multinationals. prior to joining cel, ms. fan has held various positions with increasing responsibility at multinational investment banks including lehman brothers, fox-pitt, kelton, abn amro and macquarie group.

    ms. fan holds a ba and a bs from tsinghua university and an ma from the university of oxford. she acted as committee member of m&a financing and cross-board m&a committee and deputy director in m&a fund committee of the china mergers & acquisitions association (cmaa).

  • john chan

    managing partner, cel catalyst china israel fund / managing director, m&a department

    mr. chan is managing director of the merger & acquisition department of cel and is responsible for developing the principal investment portfolio and strategic initiatives for cel. mr. chan is also managing partner of cel catalyst china israel fund and serves on the investment committee and board of directors of the general partner. mr. chan previously had over 18 years of experience working with regional and international financial institutions and investment banks. he joined cel in 2010. mr. chan holds ma and ba from university of cambridge in economics.
