fsdc mainland opportunities committee issues a report related to chinese enterprises "going global"

社会活动 2015/04/30
as a member of hong kong financial services development council (“fsdc”) , china everbright limited (“cel”, stock code:165.hk)’s ceo chen shuang together with the mainland opportunities committee (“the committee”), a committee under the fsdc, have conducted an in-depth research on chinese enterprises “going global” during the past year. the committee has since held several thorough discussions with professionals from hong kong and mainland china and regulatory authorities to explore how hong kong can capitalize on the business opportunities from chinese enterprises “going global”.
the committee synthesized the opinions from the professionals and its research to prepare a recommendation report, namely “chinese enterprises ‘going global’”: opportunities and hong kong’s policy responses”. the report, in which the committee proposed a total of 16 policy initiatives to the central government and hong kong government, was published by the fsdc on 30 april 2015.
for full report, please visit:

about fsdc
the hksar government established the fsdc in 2013 as a high-level, cross-sectional advisory body to engage the industry in formulating proposals to promote the further development of hong kong’s financial services industry and to map out the strategic direction for development. the fsdc has set up five committees, namely the policy research committee, the mainland opportunities committee, the new business committee, the market development committee and the human capital committee.