china everbright limited attains the hong kong corporate governance excellence awards 2016

社會活動 2016/12/14
china everbright limited ("cel", stock code: is pleased to announce that it is the winner of the hong kong corporate governance excellence awards 2016 (*category 2), in recognition of cel’s outstanding performance in corporate governance.
in the award acceptance speech, cel’s chief finance officer mr. richard tang expressed his sincere thanks to all of the staff in cel for their contributions. through comprehensive corporate governance practices, cel is laying a solid foundation for its sustainable development. the established and well-structured corporate governance framework directs and regulates the business ethical conduct of the cel, safeguarding the interests of our stakeholders. cel will continue to maintain a high-standard of corporate governance and at the same time giving back to the society by fulfilling corporate social responsibilities.
“the hong kong corporate governance excellence awards” is jointly organised by the chamber of hong kong listed companies and the centre for corporate governance and financial policy, hong kong baptist university for 10 years, which is designed to encourage improvement in corporate governance of listed companies in hong kong. the award provides recognition for listed companies in achieving outstanding commitment in shareholder rights, compliance, integrity, fairness, responsibility, accountability, transparency, board independence & leadership, and corporate social responsibility. the judging process is rigorous, companies are required to submit informative documents for initial selection, and the shortlisted companies are invited to meet with the judging panel for an interview.
the award judging panel comprises distinguished personalities and professionals in the securities and investment industry and in the area of corporate governance which includes dr. eddy c. fong, former chairman of securities and futures commission, ms. winnie cheung, former chief executive and registrar of hong kong institute of certified public accountants, etc. on 5th november, cel’s senior managements went to the hong kong baptist university to make a verbal presentation and q&a sessions during the meeting with the award judging panel, and cel stands out from the competition after the final round selection and attained this award.
*note: category 2 means main board companies in hang seng composite index

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