everbright ceo chen shuang appointed non-official member of financial services development council

社會活動 2013/01/17
following the announcement by the hksar chief executive, mr c y leung, on theestablishment of the financial services development council (fsdc) in the policy address, the government today announced the appointment of mr chen shuang,chief executive officer of china everbright limited (“everbright”), as a non-officialmember of the council. the appointment will be for two years.

mrs laura cha, an advisor to chinese financial association of hong kong, wasnamed the chairperson of the council. the council also includes secretary for financial services and the treasury (ex-official member) and 20 non-officialmembers. the appointments are for the period from 17 january 2013 to 16 january2015.

the terms of reference of the council are: (1) to conduct policy research andindustry surveys for the formulation of proposals to the government and regulators; (2) to work with regulatory and trade bodies to identify new opportunities for, and any constraints on, the sustainable growth and diversity of the financial services industry; (3) to maintain a dialogue with the relevant bodies on the mainland and overseas to support hong kong's financial services industry in accessing new markets and growth areas; (4) to facilitate the upgrading of skills and expertise through collaboration with education and training institutions, trade bodies and practitioners; and (5) to promote, on the mainland and overseas, our financial services industry and hong kong as an international financial centre through seminars, road shows, publications, and through active participation in international events.

fsdc aims provide a high-level and effective platform for stakeholders to explore ways to complement the internationalisation of the financial market of the country and to help facilitate the further development of hong kong's financial services industry, including advising the government on areas related to diversifying the financial services industry and enhancing hong kong's position and functions as aninternational financial centre of the country and in the region.

the council’s non-official members include professor douglas w arner, mr chenshuang, mr e michael fung, mr benjamin hung, mr edward kwan pak-chung, mrfred lam, ms jeanne lee sai-yin, mr vincent marshall lee kwan-ho, mr laurenceli lu-jen, mr anton liu ting-an, mr mark mccombe, mr alasdair morrison, mr joengai, mr qin xiao, mr mark g shipman, mr william h strong, mr tse yung-hoi, mrfrank wong kwong-shing, mrs florence yip chiu kwai-fong, and mr levin zhu.