everbright to act as overseas investment advisor for the newly launched qdii greater china bond trust plan of assembled funds

业务发展 2012/11/02
2 november 2012 – china everbright limited (“everbright”), shanghai international trust, china bond insurance and shanghai pudong development bank announced the launch of the qdii greater china bond trust plan of assembled funds, the first qdii assembled funds trust in china, at a press conference and dinner at the grand hyatt shanghai. with a fundraising target of rmb 1 billion, the new product will invest mainly in internationally-traded chinese corporate bonds. shanghai international trust has been appointed as the trustee of the plan and china everbright asset management will be the investment advisor, while china bond insurance and shanghai pudong development bank will act as the guarantor and domestic custodian, respectively.

the successful launch of the first ever qualified domestic institutional investors (qdii) assembled funds trust, which mainly invests in corporate bonds in the greater china markets with a focus on bonds issued by chinese companies in overseas markets, is of great significance. investing through qdii can directly or indirectly lower the cost of issuance for chinese companies and thus enhance their fundraising abilities. in addition, china’s increasing global influence also means that domestic rating agencies should be given a greater say in the international capital markets to reflect china’s ascending economic power. with increased issuance and trading of chinese corporate bonds via qdii, it is expected that domestic rating agencies will continue to gain investors’ recognition and advance along the path towards greater internationalisation.

everbright said the launch of qdii greater china bond trust would allow domestic investors to adopt a balanced approach to global asset allocation and accelerate internationalisation of the renminbi. while domestic investors will be given more options with the introduction of the qdii greater china bond trust, overseas investors would be able to invest in domestic rmb products through rqfii and rqflp. this two-way flow would facilitate further opening-up of china’s capital markets and provide a significant boost to internationalisation of the renminbi.

everbright has extensive experience in overseas markets and a professional investment team with in-depth understanding and knowledge of both local and international markets. combined with a vigorous risk management system, these advantages have helped everbright gain investors’ trust. the company will be responsible for the investments of the trust plan in its capacity as investment advisor. since its establishment in 1997, the hong kong-based company has been committed to building a cross-border asset management platform. following 15 years of development, everbright currently offers 12 funds with aggregate assets under management exceeding hk$20 billion. qdii bond products, which form an important component of the cross border platform, will capitalise on everbright’s stringent risk management system and veteran investment professionals to help domestic investors earn a desirable return from overseas asset allocations.