china everbright charitable foundation donates hk$1 million to lifeline express

社會活動 2012/10/12
(on 12 october, 2012), china everbright charitable foundation and lifeline express, a hk-basedcharity organisation, jointly held their 15th anniversary celebration and annual fund raising dinner at the grand hyatt hotel. approximately 400 guests attended the dinner, including mr. leung chunying, chief executive of hong kong special administrative region, mr. xiang huaicheng, former minister of finance of china, mr. liu mingkang, former chairman of the china banking regulatory commission, mr. zang qiutao, deputy chairman of china everbright group, mr. chen shuang, executive director and ceo of china everbright limited, mr. eddy fong, chairman of the securities and futures commission of hong kong, mrs. nellie fong, founding chairman of lifeline express and mr. bunny chan, honorary chairman of lifeline express hong kong foundation.  

during the event, mr. zang qiutao and mr. chen shuang handed over a cheque for hk$1 million to lifeline express on behalf of china everbright charitable foundation to support the work of the lifeline express hospital eye-trains. mr. tang shuangning, chairman of china everbright group and china everbright limited, wrote the inscription "shouldering heavy responsibilities with great virtue" for lifeline express.

mr. chen pointed out in his address that as an enterprise fulfilling its social responsibilities, china everbright limited not only works hard to develop its business but also seeks to "repay what it gains from society back to society". the company is allocating more resources to social charity purposes and is establishing long-term partnerships in all sectors based on mutual trust. mr. chen hoped the donated funds would help light up the lives of impoverished cataract patients on the mainland and assured the audience that china everbright charitable foundation would do its best in giving back to society.
the lifeline express hospital eye-train first embarked on its mission to provide free operations and treatment to cataract sufferers in china in july 1997. over the past 15 years, the number of hospital eye-trains has increased from one to four. these trains have helped restore vision to more than 120,000 cataract patients in 27 provinces and autonomous regions in china. lifeline express has also established 15 training centres for ophthalmology microsurgery and 17 cataract treatment centres on the mainland.
china everbright limited, a listed financial institution in hong kong, has actively fulfilled its corporate social responsibilities in recent years and set up the charitable foundation in 2008. the company donated over hk$2.3 million to help victims of the wenchuan and qinghai earthquakes, and every year takes part in relief work in poverty-stricken regions of china. the china everbright charitable foundation worked closely with the caritas family crisis support centre in hong kong in 2009 to jointly launch the everbright project, which provides life planning and emotional support services for the middle classes. the foundation also supports long-term charitable causes such as the development programme for social work profession in the greater china region, which was launched in 2012 to help improve the professional skills of social workers in china and hong kong. china everbright charitable foundation will continue to work with charity organisations and will establish long-term operational mechanisms to care for both its employees and the environment. besides promoting the development of the company’s business, china everbright limited will remain an active contributor to society.