everbright becomes a constituent of hang seng mainland 100 index

业务发展 2012/08/28
the hang seng indexes company limited has announced that china everbright limited (“everbright”) will officially become a constituent of the hang seng mainland 100 index (“hsml100”) on 10 september 2012. hsml100 is a comprehensive benchmark that gauges the mainland china sector of the hong kong stock market. its constituents comprise major enterprises, including china merchants holdings (international), sinopec and tencent. inclusion as a constituent of the hsml100 helps to enhance everbright’s domestic and overseas market status and investor confidence.
the hsml100 comprises the 100 largest companies that derive the majority of their sales revenue from mainland china, including h shares, red chips and shares of other hong kong-listed mainland companies. mainland companies refer to hong kong-listed companies with over 50% of their sales revenue derived from the mainland. turnover velocity of a new constituent entering the hsml100 must meet the minimum requirement for at least 10 of the previous 12 months and for all of the latest three months.
everbright currently has a “macro asset management” strategy, focusing on the development of three fund management and investment businesses – primary market investment, secondary market investment and structured investment and financing. at present, 10 investment funds managed by the company have aum of around hkd19.2 billion.