csr-minded everbright contributes to disaster relief in qinghai and other fund raising programs

社会活动 2010/05/25

  press release  
 24 may 2010
china everbright limited (everbright), a hong kong-based chinese enterprise, has stepped up its corporate social responsibility (csr) efforts in recent years. in 2009, it formed a community partnership with caritas family crisis support centre to launch the everbright project, which provides stress relief, life planning and counseling services for middle-income persons. in addition, the company and its staff participate keenly in our fund raising programs for both disaster relief and anti-poverty campaign. 
on 14 april, a devastating earthquake registering 7.1 on the richter scale struck yushu county in the tibet autonomous region, qinghai province. the staff of everbright once gain put love into action by donating more than hk$100,000, which, together with everbright’s corporate contribution, resulted in a grand total of rmb500,000. the money has been delivered through the everbright group to a dedicated account under the ministry of civil affairs. in the aftermath of the wenchuan earthquake in 2008, everbright and its staff also contributed more than hk$1.8 million. 
also, as a member of the everbright group, everbright is an active player in the group’s anti-poverty campaign in xinhua county, hunan province. everbright has recently donated rmb250,000 for xinhua county, while its hong kong and mainland teams also raised approximately hk$23,000.
at everbright, we believe in the strength of collective effort, and will continue to pursue csr to help people in need.