everbright joins nobel laureate at global chinese financial forum in shanghai

社會活動 2009/12/14
the third global chinese financial forum, jointly organized by chineseworldnet.com and moneyweekly, was held at grand hyatt shanghai, jin mao tower, shanghai on 3-4 december. senior economists, including a nobel price laureate in economics, delivered keynote speeches during the china everbright limited – keynote presentations, which was attended by about 400 guests.
during the forum, mr. chen shuang, executive director and ceo of everbright, joined renowned economists including robert a. mundell, nobel laureate in economics 1999, wang qing, morgan stanley’s chief economist for greater china, and jin yanshi, chief economist of sinolink securities, in a roundtable conference and gave a speech titled hk’s role in china’s financial industry development. the speakers discussed various issues including the financial crisis, opportunities and risks in china’s economic restructuring, and explored the options in promoting a global role of renminbi. they also shared their views on the economic outlook and investment strategies for 2010. 
through participation in such keynote forums, everbright aims to promote its investment funds and asset management businesses to both domestic and overseas investors. interaction with other participants also provides the latest information about the economy and financial markets, helping everbright to identify opportunities in financial markets at home and abroad. 
meanwhile, the heads of corporate finance and market strategy of everbright also gave talks named 香港上市程式 (listing in hong kong) and 2010 香港證券市場投資展望 (2010 hong kong securities market outlook) in the global capital market forum and wealth management workshop, respectively. brokerage and wealth management also set up counters to promote their businesses.