everbright volunteers visit caritas lok kin sheltered workshop

社會活動 2013/08/26
on 23 august 2013, eleven volunteers of china everbright ltd. visited caritas lok kin workshop. the volunteers acted as instructors to assist the sheltered workers to finish some simple packing works, they also enjoyed themselves in games, and cel has presented some mid-autumn festival gifts for the sheltered workers.

lok kin workshop is a sheltered workshop located in tsing yi, hong kong which provides job training for mentally handicapped persons, who are temporarily or permanently unable to cope with open employment. the ultimate goal is to facilitate them to engage in an open employment market; to motivate sheltered workers to establish good work habit and social skills which lead to an independent living and integration into the community.  through the social and recreational activities of the volunteer service, it provides a chance for the sheltered workers to communicate with the outsiders, so as to enhance their self-image and communication skills.

it’s a day full of happiness and laughter. the sheltered workers are only with mental age of a child, yet we were deeply touched by their sincerity and pureness. also, our understanding of the mentally handicapped has been substantially improved after the day.
this was the third volunteer service of cel in the year, the company encourages its staff to serve the community through volunteer works, and will continue to arrange different kinds of volunteer activities in the future.