everbright investment project - focus media awarded best leveraged loan/leveraged financed deal

業務發展 2013/12/13
focus media – a privatization project invested by china everbright was awarded finance asia 2013 best leveraged loan and euroweek 2013 best leveaged financed deal.

quoting from the organizer, “there have been several chinese take-privates this year, but none as big or as impressive as focus. for overcoming its many challenges and setting the scene perfectly for a quick return to lenders for the recap, focus media's deal is a deserving winner”.

china everbright, together with companies like fountainvest partners, the carlyle group etc, invested in the focus media privatization deal. focus media operates china's largest lifestyle targeted interactive digital media network. the company offers one of the most comprehensive targeted interactive digital media platforms aimed at chinese consumers at various urban locations.
the project was led by structured financing and investment team, the team was built in 2009 mainly invests in private equity, pre-ipo financing and structured financing for listed companies, targeting on leading regional companies or high growth potential companies with good business models in fast-growing industries, acting as a financial investor, the team provide professional advices and flexible structured financial products to investees. by the end of 2012, the team has invested in 15 projects, investment amount is up to 600 million usd.